Financial Facilities & Associated Mortgage Transactions

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Property development funding that reduces risk and increases security

Whether you’re seeking property development funding for a single townhouse or an entire block of offices, you’ll usually apply for large loans and use your assets as collateral. You’ll need to provide the evidence and guarantees that will satisfy nervous lenders. 

It can be a complicated and lengthy process that can make or break a development project.

Even if you have an excellent understanding of financing land acquisitions and construction, you’ll need a lawyer. With sophisticated borrowings, cross-collateralisation, and refinancing being among the techniques used for funding property developments, it takes an experienced team of specialists to get the job done. 

The larger the development, the more complicated the funding. But even for a duo of ambitious young developers on their first small project, the financing required can come as a shock. Becoming a guarantor or issuing a deed of guarantee should never be taken lightly. However, the right legal team can manage your risks and costs.

Your lender will insist you have independent legal advice, so make sure you choose a highly skilled lawyer who understands every legal requirement and technique. With the right specialist at your side, you’ll receive a comprehensive risk assessment and expert advice that can provide additional security and contingencies.

You’re obliged to have legal advice and representation, so many small developers make the mistake of hiring an inexperienced lawyer. That’s a missed opportunity. With 40 years of experience in commercial property law, Marc Hardman and Associates can devise strategies and use techniques that most Sydney lawyers simply aren’t aware of. We’ve advised hundreds of successful developers, gaining a comprehensive and deep knowledge of the complicated financial facilities required.

Your end-to-end funding solution for property development

Marc Hardman and Associates’ comprehensive service is delivered by an in-house team of the most skilled specialist lawyers in Sydney. We’ve built a team of experienced commercial and property law professionals who ensure you know every possible option at your disposal.

The stakes are high. Even for the most ambitious and confident developer, personally guaranteeing the funding for property development is enough to increase anxiety. Eliminating risk and increasing security is vital if you’re putting your assets on the line.

Having worked with hundreds of developers, we know the key to providing the right solutions is understanding our client’s needs. We take the time to see your vision and appreciate your concerns. With our depth of knowledge, we can quickly and decisively provide expert advice. We’ll present several workable solutions to help you secure the land and lock out the competition.

Property development funding can take more than a year, but Marc Hardman and Associates is renowned for quickly bringing all necessary approvals, contracts and certificates together. Our team works closely with clients and lenders to identify the best loan for the project, complete due diligence and get the contracts signed fast.

Representing property developers in Sydney for 40 years

Comprehensive risk assessment

We aim to partner with our clients for life. That approach to service has built loyal partnerships that are the envy of our competitors. Fostering that level of trust requires a mix of speed and diligence. We’re one of the few law firms in Sydney that can expedite the funding process while guaranteeing accuracy.

The Certificate of Independent Legal Advice

Lenders will insist on a Certificate of Independent Legal Advice from guarantors before any loan is approved. This may seem like yet another required document, but to the more successful and established developers, it’s an opportunity to consult a skilled expert. Even the most experienced developers can learn from the experience of Marc Hardman, a veteran of property law with an intimate understanding of the Sydney real estate and finance markets.

Get to the negotiating table fast

A significant contributor to our success is an in-house team comprising the best experts in property law and commercial law. While other firms are forced to outsource, our experts work closely to increase accuracy and speed. Land acquisitions are highly competitive races, often involving some of Sydney’s most skilled law firms. Marc Hardman and Associates will help you cross the finish line first.


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